What do I do for you?

Craniosacral biodynamics (CSB) stems from the work of osteopathic doctors in the first half of 20th century.

About me

I love touch of wood and I love human touch, at the physical as well as metaphysical level .
I am a cabinetmaker captivated by craniosacral biodynamics.
There’s everything in it.

I successfully completed professional training in NeuroEnergy Therapy on 14 May 2018 - www.wellnessinstitute.net

I started to work at this institute as an assistant to Roger Gilchrist www.wellnessinstitute.net, whose first professional training course took place in October 2018 www.csosteopatie.cz - Principles of energy medicine in the healing arts

Michael Kern – assistance at a seminar in November and December 2018 under the patronage of the Czech Association of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapists www.kranio.eu on the topic of – Fluid fields and the power of fluids.

I graduated from a two-year professional training of craniosacral biodynamic which started in 2008.
At this institute, I also continued for another two years as an assistant.
I am a member of Czech association of therapists of craniosacral biodynamics www.kranio.eu

Furthemore I completed following postgradual trainings:
Bhadrena Tschumi Gemin – Stillnes : the Alchemical Nature of Craniosacral Biodynamics www.icsb.ch/en// in 2012
Abha Sajwel – Ignitions of being in 2012
Roger Gilchrist – Psychospiritual Implications of Nerve Facilitation at www.wellnessinstitute.net in 2013
Roger Gilchrist – Craniosacral Biodynamics and NeuroEnergetic Therapy in 2014.
Roger Gilchrist – Energy Medicine and Polary Therapy in 2015
Roger Gilchrist - Nervous System Resiliency in 2015

Roger Gilchrist - Psychoneuroimmunology and Biodynamic Practices in May 2016
Michael Kern - Connecting to the Source - Assistance at Seminar May 2016 www.cranio.co.uk

Roger Gilchrist - The Original Matrix and the Embodiment of Form in October 2016
Roger Gilchrist - Advances in NeuroEnergetic Therapy in March and April 2017
Mike Boxhall - Presence in Stillness in January 2018 www.stillness.co.uk

Currently I’m studying a Distance Learning at Welnes Institute www.wellnessinstitute.net

Currently I’m studying in a three-year professional module training of NeuroEnergetic Medicine - www.wellnessinstitute.net/training_calendar/detail/63

and I’m preparing for an assistance at a postgradual course at Michael Kern - Connection with source – Deepening the inherent treatment plan in December this year. www.cranio.co.uk

Principles of the method

Craniosacral biodynamics (CSB) is a very gentle non-invasive work with human system, which evolved from classical osteopathy and craniosacral therapy (CST). It supports body’s wisdom and its ability to reestablish balance and health. Biodynamics is based on the fact that our psychophysical system constantly regulates and restores itself every day and night. In its very basis, health is always present and if given the chance, it expresses itself as life force. Craniosacral biodynamics perceives a human as a holistic being encompassing different levels. It is easy for us to perceive our physical, emotional and mental level. Furthermore, there is a nervous system, lymphatic system, inner organs, energetic body and a number of other levels which we are also capable of perceiving if we focus on them. Everything makes up a perfect and intricately interconnected whole. Once a change in one level occurs, it then manifests at the other levels too.
Biodynamic approach emphasizes Health which is here from the very beginning, and its manifestation – life force – which maintains our life and health. Life force or sometimes also the Breath of life manifests at all levels as a movement as well. Each cell, organ, muscle and bone keep performing a gentle movement in a certain rhythm. These movements and rhythms can be sensed by sensitive hands, anywhere on the body, and it is also possible to recognize flow of energy and fluids in tissues. If the flow is smooth and strong and the movements of the segments are regular, healgh and harmony are maintained in this body.

Difference between biodynamics and massage

Although craniosacral therapy works with touch, it is not a massage.
The basic difference is in the overall therapist’s approach and the way of touching. During the massage, the masseur affects the client’s body by pressure, movement or force, the effective forces therefore come from the masseur, from the outside of the client’s body. The masseur applies these forces, so that he would release, stimulate, change something in the client’s body.

In craniosacral therapy, touch is a way of listening, it provides support and feedback for the client’s body and its inherent processes. Effective forces aren’t applied by the therapist, either physically or „energetically“. The therapist perceives the forces and processes, follows them with his listening hands and this way he allows them to manifest and work. The change then comes from within the client’s body. The touch is a form of interaction which facilitates this change.
Unlike most of massages, the craniosacral therapy is relatively static, the client lies dressed, usually supine or on their side and the resting time in individual contacts can be relatively long – even 30 minutes. It allows the client to turn their attention to intensive perception of processes in their body.

An important difference is that during craniosacral therapy the therapist doesn’t focus on problems, i.e. blockages, painful spots, and he doesn’t change them by outer influence. He focuses on expressions of healthy functioning of the organism as a whole. He listens to these expressions and supports them, and in doing so he enables the organism of the client to first regain energy and then deal with the problem on its own accord.
Another difference is an emphasis on the whole in craniosacral therapy. Although the therapist touches a particular place on the client’s body, he always senses both local processes as well as their relationship to the whole. The therapist doesn’t want to remove the problem at the particular place, but helps the organism as a whole come to better overall functioning. The body then releases the blockages on its own, as soon as it’s possible for it.

History and development

Although the modern history of craniosacral biodynamics traces back to osteopathy, we would find the work focused on perception and support of gentle energy movements in the human body in other ancient cultures as well.
American osteopaths were working with cleaning the whole physical system with the help of outer manipulations. A founder of osteopathy is Dr. A. T. Still, who worked in the second half of the 19th century. Dr. Still was an inspiring teacher of Dr. W. G. Sutherlanda, who discovered the rhythmical operation of life forces in the human body. He named this operation the Breath of Life. From its original mechanical approach, his work later reoriented to the present aware listening to the wholeness of his patients.
Dr. J.E. Upledger opened craniosacral education to laymen too; until then it was only intended for doctors. Dr. Upledger contributed to spreading the therapy and training tens of thousands of therapists at his institute. His approach is sometimes called craniosacral osteopathy or craniosacral therapy.
Further teachers followed mainly the late experience of Dr. Sutherlanda and developed gentler and less invasive way of work, which is oriented to listening to gentle life forces of the human system. This way of work is called craniosacral biodynamics.
We can mention here for instance Franklyn Sills, Michael Kern, Charles Ridley, Bhadrena Tschumi Gemin. Biodynamics is a constantly evolving method, which reflects the latest findings from the field of quantum physics, embryology as well as the work with trauma.

The forefather of craniosacral therapy is a founder of osteopathy, Dr. Still. Osteopathy is based on the philosophy that all body systems are interconnected. Dr. Still believed that by correcting problems of the structure of the body by manipulative treatment, he can significantly reinforce the body’s ability to function and heal itself. He also advocated the idea of preventive medicine and he endorsed the philosophy that doctors should focus on healing the pacient as a whole than only on their disease. Based on this philosophy, Dr. Still opened the first school of Osteopathy medicine in Kirksville, Missouri in 1892.

When does it help?

Craniosacral biodynamics works with the whole functioning of psychophysical system and therefore it helps with a wide range of conditions. It releases tension from connective tissues, organs, which makes it excellent for physical difficulties. It supports natural regulation of nervous system – central, peripheral as well as autonomous – which makes it possible for it to affect psychosomatic problems too. It enable completing or regulation of developmental processes.

Physical conditions:

Neurological conditions:

Trauma and posttraumatic symptoms, depression:

For pregnant women and babies:

For the process of personal growth:

Working with resources

Working with resources is an integral part of biodynamic treatment. In craniosacral biodynamics, this term denotes things, activities, relationships, our inner qualities which reinforce and strengthen us, bring us pleasure, make us feel safe – all these things are „resources“. Resources bring us joy, energy, anchoring, a sense of purpose.

In life we however experience also events which exceed our capability to manage them without consequences – accidents, long periods of stress and the like. As a result, our physiology becomes overloaded, which sooner or later manifests in the form of various symptoms. What enables us and our body to return to health are resources.

Course of the session

Next we’ll go on to give you an idea of a usual craniosacral session.
Opening interview – a session starts with an opening interview, when the therapist finds out your intention, asks about your anamnesis and your resources. Then he helps you to connect with your body and relax in a safe and accepting environment.
Making you feel comfortable on a massage table – the therapist makes sure you lie as comfortably as possible on the massage table. Comfortable position ensures you make the most of the therapy. You can fully adjust your position to the needs of your body.
Preliminary settling – the therapist will help you connect with one of your resources, so that your body could relax more fully and connect with its own organizing processes. Then the therapist himself connects with his own body and his own resources for a moment, so that he could prepare for the work with touch.
Touch and deeper settling – the therapist offers you a contact. At first, it is usually a contact at the periphery of the body, at the feet or at the head. In this touch you continue with the deeper relaxation and the therapist gradually starts sensing all the organizing forces of your organism.
Healing processes – with deepening relaxation, healing processes are coming to the forefront. It can be overall drawing of „life forces“ or a specific place appears in your attention and the therapist will move there, so that he could support this local therapeutic process by direct touch. It can be work with the spine, with a joint, with an inner organ, but also with a specific nerve or an area of the brain or the spinal cord.
During this phase, you have an opportunity to observe what’s happening in your body. The processes can take a form of pulling, pushing, rocking, creating space, flowing or connecting.
Integration – at the end of the treatment, the therapist makes another contact with the periphery in order to help the body integrate the changes. In this phasis, you can experience states of deep stillness and orienting your body toward the midline axis.
Closing interview – The session is closed by a closing interview, when you can reflect on the session with the therapist and ask him questions if needed. This interview is an important part of the transition from the state of deep relaxation to the normal functioning.
After the session – the session doesn’t end in the moment when you say goodbye to the therapist. Some changes can keep integrating as much as several days. Therefore allow yourself to have an easier regime afterwards.

Arrange a session

A session and a consultation CS biodynamics with Jan Kolář - 1000,- Kč (90 min.)
We offer 10% discount when buying a series of 5 sessions. Possibility of bulk orders with invoicing. Gift vouchers also available.

For arrangement contact me at +420 777 157 469 or kolda@kolda.cz